Thursday, September 24, 2009

A response to the class so far...

To be quite honest, I had NO IDEA what "Post Colonial Literature" was going to be about. The description online sounded interesting and it fit into my schedule, so I signed up. On the first day of class I was pleasantly surprised when I learned what the format of the class was going to be like. The freedom to choose was to read, and to then teach the class about a topic sounded really interesting to me. However, at the same time the obvious intensity involved in the work for this class scared me a little. With an already jam-packed schedule, I began to worry that I would not have a time to accomplish all that was nessecary. Now, after being three weeks into the semester, I feel much better. I think my initial worry was simply a result of the overall shock of being back in school after a long summer vacation. The idea of choosing my topic and what books to read for it actually excites me. As an education major, I am looking forward to being able to 'teach' the class about my topic and its literature. If nothing else, this class should be an interesting experience.

1 comment:

  1. a) I really had no idea what "Postcolonial Literature" was going to be about either-- glad to hear I wasn't alone in that!

    b) The beauty about running class in this way (for education majors, anyway), is that we can all turn around and have the knowledge of all these books and films to teach our future classes! :-)
